The Cutting Patch
Locally grown flowers near Lampeter
This year sees the expansion of the cutting patch for Siop Botanica. We are developing the cut flower patch at home with more perennials.
We will be holding workshops during the summer months.
These flowers will be used within the shop and used extensively for our weddings during the summer and autumn months.
Our selection of dahlias will be increasing this year so expect to see a lot more of these jewel toned dahlias available from July. With a myriad of colours and shapes, they are the perfect bloom for weddings, parties or even to plonk in a vase on the kitchen table.
By growing our own flowers, we are able to use flowers not often available at the Dutch auctions, either due to their fragility or their short shelf life and can cut smaller quantities than sometimes allowed at auction. We also grow a selection of herbs that we use in our bouquets to give the most gorgeous scent.
Initially we will be growing just for ourselves but hope by 2026 to be able to supply other florists in the area.
2024 saw us start selling our flowers alongside seasonal treats at the Aberystwyth Farmers Markets. These are held on the first and third Saturday of every month. We hope to be selling here May to October but will confirm nearer the time.
Deliveries in and around Aberystwyth will be available after the market finishes on these Saturdays. You will be able to preorder on the website flowers and gifts for collection from the market.
From late Spring, we will have bunches of flowers alongside vegetable and herb plants available on the stall
As the season progresses, as will our offering. Autumn and winter will see the arrival of our dried flowers and seasonal wreaths. Our annual trip to the Misteltoe Auctions in late November mean our stall will be adorned with mistletoe boughs, holly branches and other lovely foliage for dressing your home.
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